Monday, May 2, 2011

Book Review of Chosen But Free

In “Chosen but Free”, Norman Geisler speaks of many topics that could possibly be easy to skip over, if not interested.  However, these topics  cause you to really seek out what scriptures say and try to decide biblically what it’s stating instead of what you want to believe.  The topic of free will has always been a topic that I have skipped over because I thought it to be common sense.  Adam fell to sin because of his free will to eat the apple after Eve persuaded him because of Satan.  God had warned them; it was caused by Satan, Eve and Adam choosing what they wanted to do.  However, I’m coming to realize how free will isn’t a concept that is considered common sense.  Geisler challenges the reader to think of what other’s viewed and what scriptures say about free will.  Geisler points out arguments such as Could God create someone that was good but then decided to sin?  How is that Satan even sinned in the first place? Geisler points out a scenario that helped me grasp it by stating that people are given a license by the government.  The government states out rules of how you are suppose to drive such as: do not speed, wear your seatbelt, do not drive when wasted and many other laws.  We are given the chose to either choose to obey those laws or decide to completely ignore them all together.(Geisler, 34-35)  It isn’t the government who created these people to break the rules; it’s their own faults for being irresponsible. (Geisler, 41) This is how we can explain the question addressing how God was able to create Adam and still not have created sin, we are given the bible to be our guide for our lives.  We decide to follow it or not. 
                We are given free will, so that we are able to choose what we do in our lives.  Yes, we see from Adam that we are sinful people and have come into a fallen world but each sin we live out was given a choice.  No one is making you cheat on the quiz or gossip with other friends; instead that person decides to choose it.  Some, such as Jonathon Edwards might argue that sin comes from nature but Adam contradicts that because he fell in a perfect world and was created good in nature. (Geisler,39-40)  Our fallen world does make it extremely hard to live without sinning due to the many temptations but our sin isn’t made ahead of time.  Our sin is a decision only blameful of ourselves.  Free will also gives us the right to decide what we believe. God gave us the decision to choose him or not.  He never forced us to praise or turn from him.  Why would we have so many arguments and retransformation of people if everyone was given one chose and you couldn’t fight it?  We are given instruction of what to do in our lives, but with the help of Christ nothing is impossible.  Free will, I have realized, is more than a simple explanation but Geisler does a great job giving both sides and states which one contradicts with the bible.
Geisler, Norman L. Chosen But Free. Bloomington: Bethany House Publishers, 2010.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Worship in the Church

Other Christians are our worst enemies in the church today but aren’t they supposed to be our brothers and sisters in Christ?  If we aren’t able to love each other, how are we able to love and witness to others outside the church.  Conflict shouldn’t be expected in a body of believers and usually there are those in almost every church who encourage these disputes.  These individuals could eventually split a church with their gossiping and argumentative behavior.  This is not what Christ had wanted for his followers but this is how it has become in some churches, which is extremely sad.  One of the reasons so many churches fight amongst themselves is that they are in love with tradition and have forgotten the main reason for the church, which is to worship Jesus and make an impact in their community by spreading the gospel.  By creating arguments based on mundane things such as singing hymns or not, having a projector display lyrics and upcoming events or what time service should be on Sunday, shouldn’t even be upsetting.  I have yet to mention the other issue in the church that has caused such diversion which is gossiping.  These two disgusting characteristics have caused such hurt and frustration amongst the people in the church that many have walked away all together from the faith.  Many don’t understand why they would want to be a part of such hatred in a church, when they can be better treated by non –Christians.  Gandhi recognizes hypocrisy in the body of Christ when he states “I like you Christ.  I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  That statement is extremely upsetting because we as Christians in the church are neglecting what God has called us to be for the world.  Churches need to wake up and realize that the world is watching us.  We need to stop arguing and learn how to forgive one another or leave the church and find a better suited church.   

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I grew up in a Christian family, where we attended church almost every Sunday out of the year.  When the doors were open, we were usually there in one of the pews.  I was involved in many church activities all throughout my childhood and teenage years.  Around the age of eight I began to actually understand what was being taught to me and realized that there was something spiritually bigger than me.  It was someone who loved me and gave his life for me, and that was and still is Jesus.  After I decided to believe and accept Christ in my life, I began to live the way I was being taught, I went on mission trips trying to spread my love for God and to help others.  On these trips I began showing God's love by serving others, whether it was by helping  build a roof or painting houses. Throughout high school though I began living the way I wanted to. Even though I continued going to church and attended a lot of church activities I was living for myself, not really caring about anyone else.  Then I started going to Liberty, where I realized that my faith was not my own but my parents and friends.  I believed what others around me believed and once I got to college I had to figure out what I thought.  Here I was able to form my own beliefs with the help of my professors, church services and the people that I met ministering to me.  I have come to the conclusion that my life on this earth has one purpose and that purpose is to spread the love of Christ to every person and tell them what he did for them.  I no longer live for myself but for him because he died for me.  I'm still learning and struggling daily but living for God is so worth it.  He is worth more than anything I can think of, God never leaves anyone and gives his people a peace, understanding, and an amazing love that is so personal and intimate to each person.  This summer I have the opportunity to work at a camp where I will be able to spread God's love to children who are coming to the camp.  I can't wait to see what I will learn and all the amazing things that will happen this summer.  This is why I live for God, because he knows me, loves and cares for me more than any other person.